Getting Through COVID-19 Together

We are all affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, some more than others. As we sympathize deeply for those that are suffering and grateful to those on the front lines, we are lucky to be able to continue working and serving our partners and our customers remotely, from our homes. During this difficult time, we are adjusting to the changing needs of our customers and our community. As a result, we are providing a series of resources and services to help get us all through these challenging times together. Have a look!

Free Visualization Software for Covid-19 Emergency Coordinators on the Front Lines

We are committed to doing our part in helping our global community get through this very difficult time. Find out how we can help you create a temporary video wall command center in less than 1 hour, at no cost. We have already had requests from over 30 countries from organizations in need. Let us help you accelerate information delivery and response times during this crisis.

Free Project Design Services – Accelerating Video Wall Project Deployments

Our sales and support operations are at full capacity during the COVID-19 crisis, helping our partners deliver much needed video wall solutions in control rooms and collaboration rooms. To help AV and IT integrators and consultants accelerate the design process for their video wall projects, we have announced a free project design offering.


Webinar: 25 Case Studies in 40 Minutes! 

webinar case studies

Learn how to reduce risk and increase productivity in your video wall deployments with real world examples. As we dive into into 3 detailed project deployments and 22 high level customer case studies, you will walk away with a deeper understanding on how you can simplify complex projects, the importance of hybrid systems and how you can reduce costs and reduce risk.

Training: CTS-Accredited Certification

Given today’s circumstances, we have now modified our certification training program to be offered remotely. If you’d like to get your VuWall Certification and earn up to 12 RU CTS credits, let us know. We offer 3 different course options that are delivered by our technical experts. Courses include remote hands-on experience!


Anna Zoom
Anna Kozel

Anna is the Vice President of Marketing at VuWall. She drives all marketing initiatives at VuWall globally, with her amazing team! This includes the website, trade shows, social media, branding, campaigns, case studies, PR, partnerships, you name it! She's focused on building the brand and helping VuWall partners succeed in their video wall projects. Anna speaks 4 languages and in her spare time, she loves to snowboard, paddle board, and practice yoga with her two amazing daughters.

VuWall is proud to be a Preferred Vendor Partner of the PSNI Global Alliance

Talk to a video wall expert! We’re here to help!