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El nodo de videowall VuWall PAK debuta en ISE 2022

VuWall To Showcase Its New PAK, Feature Samsung’s The Wall MicroLED Display, and Demonstrate the Latest TRx 3.1 Centralized Management Platform

MONTREAL - April 12, 2022 -  VuWall, a technology leader in video wall control systems and unified visualization solutions, will spotlight its latest products that allow operators and managers to build robust, modular video walls with ease and reliability at Booth 3R200 at Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2022 in Barcelona. The show will be the first in-person demonstration of its popular new PAKTM Video Wall Node, which is redefining IP video wall deployments. Visitors can also expect a demonstration of the latest TRx 3.1 management software, managing all the AV distribution and visualization experience of all the screens in the booths.

“The demand for and reliance on multi-source, multi-video wall deployments is at an all-time high and is set to accelerate in the future,” said Mark Schmidt, chief technology officer at VuWall. “This brings with it the need for solutions that can scale to the size and scope of the application quickly and effectively. At ISE 2022, attendees will see how our new PAK delivers a reliable, secure and efficient networked video wall solution to address this industry need.”

VuWall PAK offers an innovative way to deploy and manage modular video walls in AV-over-IP environments. PAK is a networked multi-decode node that can also operate efficiently as a stand-alone device. For large displays, PAK can be stitched easily with other PAK nodes to build an IP-based video wall that is infinitely scalable and can function as a single large canvas. PAK simplifies video wall integration by reducing the need for long video cables and eliminating single points of failure to minimize risk and improve reliability. As part of VuWall’s ecosystem, PAK is managed by VuWall’s award-winning Plataforma de software TRx.

Today, it’s possible to build a reliable, flexible video wall system quickly and cost-effectively over a distributed network with PAK, making it ideal for multi-room visualization, situational awareness, control room operations and corporate applications.

VuWall will showcase Samsung’s The Wall MicroLED display as part of Samsung’s video wall processor certification program. VuWall is the first video wall processor manufacturer to attain the certification, ensuring that VuWall products are optimized to operate with The Wall and facilitating control room design, deployment and operations to provide seamless integration and operation while delivering a fully optimized visualization experience.

Schedule a meeting with the VuWall team at ISE.

Acerca de VuWall

VuWall desarrolla soluciones para gestionar fácilmente la información visual en videowalls y pantallas en salas de control y otras instalaciones. Están especializados en la gestión de videowalls y KVM en entornos AV-over-IP con un conjunto de codificadores, decodificadores, procesadores y controladores de vídeo de última generación, todo ello gestionado por la plataforma de gestión centralizada TRx. Propiedad de Naxicap, las galardonadas soluciones de VuWall alimentan más de 5.000 murales de vídeo en algunas de las empresas Fortune 500 más prestigiosas del mundo en más de 50 países. VuWall tiene su sede central en Montreal (Canadá), una sede europea en Reutlingen (Alemania) y una oficina estadounidense en Atlanta (Georgia).

Anna Kozel
Anna Kozel

Contacto de relaciones públicas
Vicepresidente de Marketing
+1 514-505-4436

VuWall se enorgullece de ser socio proveedor preferente de la Alianza Global PSNI

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