EnBW Modernizes Control Room Operations

VuScape powers new video wall for 24/7 operations in multi-billion dollar utilities company in Germany


EnBW energy dispatch control room at the Karlsruhe site is only one of many control rooms, but this particular one, centrally monitors all of their 14 power plants and generation units. This control room was using VGA-based KVM technology that needed replacing with a digital matrix in order to maximize image quality with their new DVI computer workstations. Their main challenge for deploying a new video wall control system was finding the right solution that could elegantly harmonize the many different computer types and sources and to seamlessly integrate them with a flexible and scalable video wall control system that would allow them to easily manage all the content on their new 5×2 video wall. They needed to harmonize the heterogeneous the new IT infrastructure in order to support all common video output signals such as VGA, DVI, DP and HDMI.


EnBW selected VuWall‘s VuScape y ControlVu video wall control system and G&D’s (Guntermann & Drunck) ControlCenter-Digital 160, a powerful ma­trix switch that uses CAT cabling to make all remote computers available at the consoles. VuScape gives EnBW the flexibility and control of the large screens that they needed where the images can be enlarged over several cu­bes or only a small part of an image can be displayed. They also have 2 10” VuWall ControlVu PoE touch panels that enable operators to easily control G&D’s KVM matrix switch. The control room is also equipped with 2 consoles, each with 14 monitors, all connected to the matrix and the remote computers via KVM systems that can now be operated via 3 keyboards.


Seamless Integration: Optimized for control rooms, VuScape’s software met perfectly EnBW’s project requirements as it seamlessly integrated with the G&D matrix, all of EnBW’s sources and gave their operators the power and flexibility they needed. The VuWall controller integrated with the G&D matrix can execute switching commands via the network. Each computer can access the desired video wall cube or even multiple cubes at once remotely. This ensures that dispatchers always have an overview of the power plants available on the video wall.

Increased efficiency and productivity for control room operators with VuScape’s user-friendly video wall management software and ControlVu touch panel to manage and operate their new massive 5×2 video video wall. Operators can now load the required templates from various pre­defined layouts saved in a scenario without manually select the sources. VuScape can bundle all cubes of the video wall into a virtual screen giving complete flexibility in switching and displaying the individual displays on the lar­ge screen.

Increased flexibility of source management and content visualization with improved usability of the video wall.

Fiabilidad: since its initial 2017 installation, the system has been running 24/7 without interruption.

To­gether with the flexible screen control and the digital matrix switch, there is a significant improvement compared to the old VGA-based solution.”

Project Manager at EnBW

About EnBW

EnBW is an electric utilities company headquartered in Karlsruhe, Germany and primarily serves the German state of Baden-Württemberg. With just under 23,000 employees and an annual revenue of €20 billion, EnBW is one of Germany’s largest utilities companies. They supply electricity, gas, water and energy-related products and services to nearly 6 million customers. EnBW is accelerating their expansion of renewable energy – primarily wind and hydropower – and, at the same time, securing the supply of energy through their modern conventional power stations. By expanding the grids and utilising intelligent technology, their grid subsidiaries are laying the foundations for integrating the ever increasing amount of renewable energies into the grids and smart energy networks.EnBW

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