Centro de Ciberinteligencia de Deloitte

VuScape for Round-the-Clock Operational Security

El desafío

Today, risks are emerging faster than business can react. This creates the need for corporations to transform their thinking about cyber security. Everything that depends on cyberspace is potentially at risk. With the proliferation of Internet-enabled devices, cyber culture is growing more rapidly than cyber security.

Business advisory firm Deloitte has therefore launched a new Cyber Intelligence Centre that brings together a range of services to help companies monitor, analyse and respond to cyber threats 24 hours a day. In addition, the Centre uses business knowledge to provide tailored-made responses to specific business needs and threats. Working alongside organisations to contextualise the threat to their business, Deloitte can focus their attention on the right place at the right time to spot the signs of an attack before it turns into a crisis. To do this, they needed state-of-the-art security monitoring technology.


Gleich, the system integrator on this project, deployed the Controlador de videowall VuWall VuScape along with the VuWall2 video wall management software to manage the Samsung 4×3 LCD video wall in the cyber security centre.


To provide round-the-clock business-focused operational security, Deloitte’s Cyber Intelligence Centre integrated state-of-the-art audio-visual technology from Gleich GmbH, Samsung, Creston and VuWall Technology. Today, they have all the visualization technology and AV solutions they need to meet the demanding 24/7 security monitoring requirements.

We have checked several systems in the market and the VuWall system offered all the features which were necessary to meet the project requirements, also the compatibility with the Crestron system was an advantage. During all the stages of the project we had excellent support from the VuWall team.”

Juan Ordonez, project manager at Gleich

We have chosen Gleich because we know from other that the quality of their work is extremely good and they know exactly what they do and what we need. We knew that what we will get from Gleich will meet our expectations, but with the functionalities and the flexibility of the VuWall system, our expectations were surpassed.”

Sebastian Renker, Enterprise Risk Services at Deloitte

About Deloitte Germany

Deloitte provides services in the areas of audit, tax, consulting and financial advisory for companies and institutions from all sectors; Deloitte Germany is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL). With over 5,000 employees in 16 offices Deloitte in Germany cared for more than 100 years businesses and institutions of all legal forms and sizes from all sectors of the economy. With a worldwide network of member firms in more than 150 countries and territories, Deloitte brings expertise with first class services and its clients to address complex business challenges aside. Making an impact that matters – for more than 225,000 employees Deloitte shared vision and individual claim is both.Deloitte

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