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VuWall nombra a Leo Bull Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Ventas para Norteamérica

Bull’s Decades of Experience in the Professional Audio Video Market Will Serve to Strengthen VuWall’s Growing Presence and Demand in the U.S.

MONTREAL - Aug. 29, 2023 - VuWall, a technology leader in video wall control systems and unified visualization solutions, today announced the appointment of Leo Bull as its new U.S.-based Executive Vice President of Sales for North America. Bringing 29 years of experience to the role, Bull will support VuWall’s strong presence and growth in the region.

“VuWall has experienced incredible growth both internationally and in the U.S.,” said Paul Vander Plaetse, Founder and CEO at VuWall. “Our mission at VuWall has, and always will be, to provide customers with a state-of-the-art ecosystem of video wall and KVM solutions. Bringing Leo on board and growing our U.S. team further in the coming months is an important investment for the company, as part of our dedication to providing a robust regional presence to continually serve and support our North American customer base. Leo is an excellent fit, both professionally and culturally, for VuWall. I am thrilled to have him on board and happy to welcome him to the VuWall family.”

Bull is a well-respected industry professional, having served in sales leadership positions at Mitsubishi Electronics, Fujitsu, Zenith, LG Electronics, and as VP of Sales of Avocent’s pro AV and broadcast markets in North and South America. Most recently, he was the Senior Vice President of Sales for the Americas and Global Accounts at Haivision, for the last twelve years. Bull’s experience in building and managing sales teams, and developing a solid reseller channel in the pro AV market, is an invaluable asset to VuWall.

“VuWall’s growth in the visualization industry is due to their great talent and innovative technology,” said Bull. “They are laser-focused on the control room market and have an excellent track record of understanding exactly where this market is heading and developing solutions that address their customers’ needs. I am both honored and excited to be part of such an incredible team and am eagerly looking forward to the opportunity to contribute to VuWall’s ongoing growth.”

Acerca de VuWall

VuWall desarrolla soluciones para gestionar fácilmente la información visual en videowalls y pantallas en salas de control y otras instalaciones. Están especializados en la gestión de videowalls y KVM en entornos AV-over-IP con un conjunto de codificadores, decodificadores, procesadores y controladores de vídeo de última generación, todo ello gestionado por la plataforma de gestión centralizada TRx. Propiedad de Naxicap, las galardonadas soluciones de VuWall alimentan más de 5.000 murales de vídeo en algunas de las empresas Fortune 500 más prestigiosas del mundo en más de 50 países. VuWall tiene su sede central en Montreal (Canadá), una sede europea en Reutlingen (Alemania) y una oficina estadounidense en Atlanta (Georgia).

Anna Kozel
Anna Kozel

Contacto de relaciones públicas
Vicepresidente de Marketing
+1 514-505-4436

VuWall se enorgullece de ser socio proveedor preferente de la Alianza Global PSNI

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