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VuWall annonce son intégration avec la technologie de contrôle d'accès et de vidéo de Genetec

VuWall, a manufacturer of video wall controllers and control room video wall management solutions, have strengthened their market offering by integrating with the Genetec™ Security Center platform.

To provide customers with a comprehensive solution, VuWall has integrated the VuWall2 Video Wall Management Software into the Genetec™ Security Center platform for total video wall control. Video wall controllers can now be managed directly from within the interface of Genetec™ Security Center thanks to the new VuWall integration. This allows the operators to easily control the video wall system directly from their everyday security application. Changing feeds and display content can now be performed from a single interface, rather than switching applications.

Genetec Inc. is a market leader in unified security software. With its headquarters in Montreal, Canada, it has employees around the world. Their flagship product, Genetec™ Security Center, is an cloud-ready, open architecture platform that can unify video surveillance, access control  automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) , communications, intrusion detection and analytics.

Paul Vander Plaeste, CEO of VuWall, spoke of his delight of the initiative. He said: “Genetec™ is widely recognized as a leader in unified security solutions also offering excellent business intelligence and operations software; making them the go-to platform for security applications. We are glad to see the power of our VuWall software with the cloud-based platforms from Genetec – providing a powerful, flexible and simple solution for total video control for security feeds.”

“Offering our security customers the ability to configure and manage their video wall through their Genetec™ Security Center interface is a real value to the market,” said Jordan Jaumeau, Director, Development Partner Engagement Group at Genetec. “VuWall’s ability to adapt to specific requirements of control centers combined with the unified view of security information provided by Security Center will allow our joint customers to become more efficient in their operations.”

For more information, visit VuWall at Genetec ici.

À propos de VuWall

VuWall développe des solutions pour gérer facilement les informations visuelles sur les murs vidéo et les écrans dans les salles de contrôle et autres installations. L'entreprise est spécialisée dans la gestion de murs vidéo et de KVM dans des environnements AV sur IP avec une suite d'encodeurs vidéo, de décodeurs, de processeurs et de contrôleurs de pointe, tous gérés par la plateforme de gestion centralisée TRx. Propriété de Naxicap, les solutions primées de VuWall équipent plus de 5 000 murs d'images dans certaines des plus prestigieuses entreprises du Fortune 500, dans plus de 50 pays. VuWall a son siège à Montréal (Canada), un siège européen à Reutlingen (Allemagne) et un bureau américain à Atlanta (Géorgie).

Anna Kozel
Anna Kozel

Contact RP
Vice-président du marketing
+1 514-505-4436

VuWall est fier d'être un fournisseur partenaire privilégié de l'Alliance mondiale PSNI.

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