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PSNI Global Alliance Adds VuWall to its Lineup of Preferred Global Vendors & Partners

(Tulsa, Oklahoma 01.10.2023) PSNI Global Alliance, the leading global network of premier technology integrators and service providers, is pleased to announce a strategic partnership for video wall management and AV distribution solutions with the addition of VuWall as its latest Global Preferred Vendor Partner (PVP).

A globally recognized technology leader in video wall control systems and unified visualization technology, VuWall provides solutions to easily manage visual information on video walls and displays throughout entire facilities. Their innovative visualization solutions are deployed in a wide range of industries in more than 45 countries powering more than 3,000 video walls in some of the world’s most prestigious Fortune 500 control rooms and corporate workspace.

With this new partnership, VuWall has become a global strategic manufacturing partner of The Alliance, granting access to its Certified Solution Providers (CSPs) to pursue new market opportunities and enable worldwide, standardized solutions for their customers.

“We are honored to have been selected as a Preferred Vendor Partner with PSNI,” said Dan Gundry, vice president and managing director of VuWall USA. “I have known PSNI for many years and respect its mission and its Certified Solution Providers. We are excited to introduce VuWall to the CSPs and help them deliver world-class solutions to their customers.”

Through PSNI’s global network of AV/IT Certified Solution Providers, this partnership will strengthen VuWall’s solution offerings on a global scale.

“We warmly welcome VuWall to our growing list of PVPs and are thrilled to be partnering with them to further enable our global network,” said Tom Roberts, director of vendor programs for The Alliance. “The Alliance is built around the evolving and dynamic needs of technology users and recognizes the power of top-tier manufacturers solution offerings. Their comprehensive knowledge of the control room market and leading solutions will be a strong asset to PSNI’s portfolio.”

The PSNI Global Alliance Preferred Vendor Partner program is available to an exclusive group of manufacturers, distributors, and service providers in the audio-visual, unified communications, and professional audio and video industry.  All vendors within the PSNI PVP program are pre-screened by the Certified Solution Providers (CSPs) of The Alliance to ensure that only the best technology providers are represented. Customers who engage with The Alliance are assured seamless installation and support, benefiting from the collective expertise of PSNI’s integrators and vendors alike.

To learn more about PSNI Global Alliance, the PVP program, or how PSNI can enable its customers worldwide, please visit 

About PSNI Global Alliance 

PSNI Global Alliance is the world’s most recognized network of AV integrators, manufacturers, distributors, and service partners, with a presence in more than 200 cities worldwide. Its innovative model allows best-in-class providers to work as one, bringing scalable, standardized technology solutions and managed services to organizations everywhere. With proprietary global deployment and services certifications, and truly localized support, The Alliance improves the integration and optimization of technology solutions so organizations around the world can transform the ways we work and live.

À propos de VuWall

VuWall développe des solutions pour gérer facilement les informations visuelles sur les murs vidéo et les écrans dans les salles de contrôle et autres installations. L'entreprise est spécialisée dans la gestion de murs vidéo et de KVM dans des environnements AV sur IP avec une suite d'encodeurs vidéo, de décodeurs, de processeurs et de contrôleurs de pointe, tous gérés par la plateforme de gestion centralisée TRx. Propriété de Naxicap, les solutions primées de VuWall équipent plus de 5 000 murs d'images dans certaines des plus prestigieuses entreprises du Fortune 500, dans plus de 50 pays. VuWall a son siège à Montréal (Canada), un siège européen à Reutlingen (Allemagne) et un bureau américain à Atlanta (Géorgie).

Anna Kozel
Anna Kozel

Contact RP
Vice-président du marketing
+1 514-505-4436

VuWall est fier d'être un fournisseur partenaire privilégié de l'Alliance mondiale PSNI.

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