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VuWall lance un programme de formation en ligne à la certification accréditée CTS

VuWall’s 3 Day Online Training Earns Resellers 12 Renewal Units Toward AVIXA’s CTS Certification

MONTRÉAL - August 13, 2020 - VuWall, a leader in video wall systems, today announced its AVIXA accreditation of the VuWall Certified Specialist training program. Designed for system designers, technical sales, consultants, and field and service technicians, the training is now offered with live online sessions to qualified resellers several times each year in both American and European time zones. Resellers who complete the training can earn up to 12 renewal units (RUs) toward AVIXA’s Certified Technology Specialist (CTS) credential after successfully completing written and practical exams.

“We’ve redesigned our certification training to be delivered online due to the global pandemic and the new way that many companies are doing business, while preserving a personal and hands-on approach using virtual technology,” said Paul Vander Plaetse, CEO at VuWall, “As the demand for video wall and visualization solutions continues to increase, we’re committed to providing AV professionals with the training resources they need to expand their expertise confidently in order to design, configure, and maintain VuWall’s video wall control systems.”

VuWall’s certification program is divided into three levels:

  • Niveau I : VuWall Designer (4 RUs)

Participants will learn how to present VuWall’s entire line of solutions to potential end-users and assist in designing a video wall project, primarily for the VuWall VuScape series of video wall processors and the TRx Centralized Management System.

  • Niveau II : Technicien de terrain VuWall(4 RUs)

This training enables graduates to deploy and troubleshoot VuWall’s line of products autonomously. By the end of this course, they will feel comfortable providing onsite technical support to end-users. They can expect a deep dive into the configuration of the system for both a single and redundant setup. This course also covers scripting and the handling of updates and licensing.

  • Niveau III : Spécialiste du service VuWall(4 RUs)

Level III completes the certification training, enabling graduates to feel confident in being the end-user’s first line of support for the VuScape and TRx systems, with a much deeper understanding of the processors and the centralized management platform. This course examines the database, video card information, maintenance, installation procedures, servicing, and troubleshooting.

VuWall already has 70 certified VuWall specialists from 35 resellers in 25 countries. Those interested in VuWall’s certification program can visit pour plus d'informations et pour s'inscrire.

À propos de VuWall

VuWall développe des solutions pour gérer facilement les informations visuelles sur les murs vidéo et les écrans dans les salles de contrôle et autres installations. L'entreprise est spécialisée dans la gestion de murs vidéo et de KVM dans des environnements AV sur IP avec une suite d'encodeurs vidéo, de décodeurs, de processeurs et de contrôleurs de pointe, tous gérés par la plateforme de gestion centralisée TRx. Propriété de Naxicap, les solutions primées de VuWall équipent plus de 5 000 murs d'images dans certaines des plus prestigieuses entreprises du Fortune 500, dans plus de 50 pays. VuWall a son siège à Montréal (Canada), un siège européen à Reutlingen (Allemagne) et un bureau américain à Atlanta (Géorgie).

Anna Kozel
Anna Kozel

Contact RP
Vice-président du marketing
+1 514-505-4436

VuWall est fier d'être un fournisseur partenaire privilégié de l'Alliance mondiale PSNI.

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