TRx 3 1 Image de présentation pour le web

VuWall réduit le temps d'intégration des murs vidéo et augmente l'efficacité des opérateurs grâce à la version 3.1 de TRx

This article was about VuWall’s presence at InfoComm 2021. You can meet with VuWall at InfoComm 2025 here!

VuWall announced the release of TRx version 3.1, the company’s centralized video wall management platform. The TRx platform is unique in delivering advanced video wall management and AV distribution capabilities and this major update facilitates the configuration and operation of video wall deployments in professional and mission-critical AV environments.

“Integrators and operators continue to struggle with handling big data and complex workflows and harmoniously managing various sources and multiple brands on a single network in their AV-over-IP deployments,” said Paul Vander Plaetse, founder and CEO of VuWall. “By further simplifying the configuration and operation of video wall systems while enhancing performance and usability, VuWall is addressing this core industry challenge.”

New Release of Innovative Centralized Multi-Video Wall Management Platform Facilitates Simple Video Wall Configuration and Operation in Control Room and Corporate AV Environments

The feature-rich enhancements found in the TRx 3.1 release include:

  • Video Wall Stitching – Users can build unlimited-sized video walls by stitching multiple VuScape video wall nodes or build an SDVoE video wall by stitching VuStream 510 decoders. This feature increases processing scalability and flexibility while adding a layer of redundancy.
  • Redesigned User Interface (UI) – In addition to the clean new look, the redesigned UI offers customers a faster and easier configuration and operation experience. It simplifies workflows for adding new devices (device provisioning function), features a new favorites menu for quick access, utilizes colored borders and on-screen display (OSD), and much more. 
  • Increased Software KVM Performance – Now, with a much higher frame rate for smoother rendering, audio support and the most recent compatibility with the ADDERLink ipeps+, operators have a simple workflow for bringing PCs from segregated networks onto the video wall and controlling them from a keyboard and mouse.

As VuWall’s core software platform, TRx is the perfect solution for seamless multi-video wall and single-display control and visualization throughout multiple rooms, floors and campuses. It is the only platform that distributes AV-over-IP signals and provides full-featured video wall management software. TRx features an intuitive interface with easy drag-and-drop operation, a built-in HTML-based control panel designer, scripting, advanced security and user rights management, and an extensive API. Thanks to its interoperable and hybrid design, it simplifies the deployment of complex AV-over-IP projects with a single centralized platform that installs easily while routing and servicing hundreds of sources without any programming.

Learn more about VuWall’s TRx technology.

TRx will be on-site in Booth 3381 at InfoComm 2025 in Orlando, Florida from June 11 – 13, 2025.

À propos de VuWall

VuWall développe des solutions pour gérer facilement les informations visuelles sur les murs vidéo et les écrans dans les salles de contrôle et autres installations. L'entreprise est spécialisée dans la gestion de murs vidéo et de KVM dans des environnements AV sur IP avec une suite d'encodeurs vidéo, de décodeurs, de processeurs et de contrôleurs de pointe, tous gérés par la plateforme de gestion centralisée TRx. Propriété de Naxicap, les solutions primées de VuWall équipent plus de 5 000 murs d'images dans certaines des plus prestigieuses entreprises du Fortune 500, dans plus de 50 pays. VuWall a son siège à Montréal (Canada), un siège européen à Reutlingen (Allemagne) et un bureau américain à Atlanta (Géorgie).

Anna Kozel
Anna Kozel

Contact RP
Vice-président du marketing
+1 514-505-4436

VuWall est fier d'être un fournisseur partenaire privilégié de l'Alliance mondiale PSNI.

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