Prince George’s County Builds New Emergency Operation Center

VuWall selected to help Prince George’s County provide homeland security and 911 operations with mission-critical communication technology

Prince George County EOC Case Draft rev21 1030x697 1


The Prince George’s County was building a new 46,000 square foot Emergency Operation Center (EOC). They were seeking an enterprise-based video and control systems that would scale and interconnect with endpoints such as PCs, Encoders, IP Cameras, Network Video Recorders (NVR) and/or other facilities and systems on the network.

The AV system would need to be able to process multiple video streams from diverse sources, interconnect all the designated rooms, and drive multiple video walls in various locations. It also needed to include the ability to do in-room presentations and be equipped for conferencing in specific locations. The video wall management and control had to be easy to use so that end users can quickly respond in emergency situations. Finally, the timeline for project completion from planning to end user training was only 3 months.


Prince George County selected Diversified, America’s largest audio visual integrator, to design and install the new video and control system. The new design for the EOC included a comprehensive enterprise video display system, a Digital Media Presentation System (DMPS) for presentation control and a video wall, driven by VuWall’s Contrôleur de mur vidéo VuScape. VuWall was selected for its proven reliability and user-friendly interface, where operators can customize their visual experience quickly and easily. They can control a mixture of sources on the video wall, in any desired configuration and even share the video wall content on other video walls or displays, located elsewhere on the network. Finally, its simple installation and configuration as well as its seamless integration with third party equipment thanks to its open architecture, helped Diversified meet their project delivery deadlines.


Once described as the weakest link in the chain of radio communications interoperability in the National Capital region, the Prince George’s County Operations Center has been transformed into one of the leading 911 communications centers in the DC area. 

About Prince George County

Le Emergency Command Center of Prince George’s County serves as the Office of Homeland Security headquarters, as well as the county’s 911 back-up center, emergency management, and emergency-operations center; all housed in a new $32 million dollar, 46,000 square-foot facility, outfitted with state-of-the-art communications technology. The public-safety communications center fields more than 1.3 million calls per year.Prince George County

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Un processeur de mur vidéo haute performance idéal pour les salles de contrôle, les salles de collaboration et la signalisation d'entreprise.

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