Video Wall Case Study: National Army Command Center

VuWall équipe le centre de commandement critique et la salle de crise de l'armée

VuWall delivers a secure, reliable and interoperable visualization solution for military and defense operations at National Army facility in Europe. VuWall’s unified visualization solution is used in the Army’s central Network Operation Center (NOC), Security Control Center (SCC) command room and situation room. Installed is VuWall’s video wall controllers, encoders and decoders, the ControlVu touch panels and the Color Detection Server, all controlled by VuWall’s TRx centralized management platform, to create an all-in-one solution for a fully integrated video wall management and AV distribution system.

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The TRx allows the Army’s control room operators to seamlessly move content around and add more sources while rearranging them on the huge Samsung 15x2m LED display, with quick and easy drag-and-drop operations. VuWall’s TRx operates harmoniously with IHSE’s Draco tera flex matrix switch to enable operators to use a single TRx interface to control both sources from the IHSE matrix and additional sources from other applications, thanks to VuWall’s IHSE integration. TRx’s Control Panel Designer has empowered operators to quickly create customized control panels to change layouts and presets with the touch of a button. These control panels are available for operators in their browsers and also on VuWall’s ControlVu touch panels, placed throughout the command and control centers. They give operators the freedom to change layouts and control devices directly from the tablet with a simple touch.

Get complete story and more at S&VC Control Room Issue

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A modern military control room with a large video wall and operators at workstations.
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Produits apparentés
TRx 3 1 ordinateur portable

Plate-forme TRx

Une solution logicielle interopérable et facile à utiliser pour gérer et contrôler n'importe quelle source vers n'importe quel écran ou mur vidéo.

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Un contrôleur de mur vidéo haute performance idéal pour les salles de contrôle, les salles de collaboration et la signalisation d'entreprise.

Web ControlVu 270x150 1

Control Panel

ControlVu donne aux opérateurs la liberté de modifier les dispositions et les dispositifs de contrôle d'une simple pression.

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Encodeurs et décodeurs comprenant une gamme d'appareils disponibles dans différents facteurs de forme, résolutions et caractéristiques de performance.

VuWall est fier d'être un fournisseur partenaire privilégié de l'Alliance mondiale PSNI.

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