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VuWall erweitert den nordamerikanischen und europäischen Hauptsitz, um die wachsende internationale Nachfrage zu bedienen

VuWall has developed a significant growth plan with expanded facilities and new talent to support growing global operations 

MONTREAL - April 5, 2022 -  VuWall, a global technology leader in video wall control systems and unified visualization solutions, announces an expansion at their North American and European headquarters. The expanded footprint now accommodates the thirty percent increase in employees in the last fifteen months and the need for a larger production facility. Through its substantial investment in international operations, VuWall has introduced new talent to support growing research and development and strengthen the support, operations, sales, and marketing departments in both offices.

VuWall has developed a significant growth plan to expand its global operations. In recent years, VuWall has launched new technology, partnered with industry giants such as Samsung and Genetec, received certifications and award recognition, and celebrated ongoing business success. VuWall continues to operate production and manufacturing in its European headquarters, now in a new, larger facility in Reutlingen, Germany. The company’s North American headquarters, which houses software development, quality assurance, sales, marketing, and technical support teams, remains at the same Montreal location, now in a renovated and expanded facility. 

“I am so impressed and proud to see the steady growth and progress that the team has achieved, as I think back of how I was running the business out of my living room in the first years,” said Paul Vander Plaetse, founder and chief executive officer of VuWall. “We are committed to investing in the resources and skilled professionals to continue providing our global customer base with the most innovative technology." 

VuWall’s European and North American offices now feature state-of-the-art experience centers and welcome visitors at any time.

VuWall’s disruptive hybrid technology bridges AV, IT and IP systems to seamlessly manage and control visual content. The company delivers an ecosystem of interoperable products that includes video wall processors, encoders, and decoders — all managed by their unique TRx Centralized Management Platform, eliminating the complexity of traditional video wall control and signal distribution over IP, without any programming. VuWall’s technology sets a new industry benchmark in ease of use and deployment for the most effective distribution of any source to any display in professional and mission-critical applications.

Über VuWall

VuWall entwickelt Lösungen für die einfache Verwaltung visueller Informationen auf Videowänden und Displays in Kontrollräumen und anderen Einrichtungen. Das Unternehmen hat sich auf die Verwaltung von Videowänden und KVM in AV-over-IP-Umgebungen spezialisiert und bietet eine Reihe von hochmodernen Video-Encodern, Decodern, Prozessoren und Controllern, die alle von der TRx Centralized Management Platform verwaltet werden. Die preisgekrönten Lösungen von VuWall, die sich im Besitz von Naxicap befinden, versorgen mehr als 5.000 Videowände in einigen der weltweit renommiertesten Fortune-500-Unternehmen in mehr als 50 Ländern. Der Hauptsitz von VuWall befindet sich in Montreal, Kanada, mit einer Europazentrale in Reutlingen, Deutschland, und einer US-Niederlassung in Atlanta, Georgia.

Anna Kozel
Anna Kozel

Vizepräsidentin für Marketing
+1 514-505-4436

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