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VuWall ernennt Fadhl Al-Bayaty zum Leiter des Produktmanagements

Al-Bayaty to Spearhead Consolidated Product Management Efforts for the Entire VuWall Line

MONTREAL — Nov. 3, 2021 —  VuWall, a technology leader in video wall control systems and unified visualization solutions, today announced the appointment of Fadhl Al-Bayaty as director of product management. This new leadership position will be focused on consolidating the company’s software and hardware product strategy, ensuring cohesive and harmonious growth.

“Fadhl is the ideal choice to break new ground in leading product management efforts for our entire line,” said Paul Vander Plaetse, founder and CEO of VuWall. “He comes to us with a deep knowledge of the industry, years of relevant experience and a hands-on approach that will make an immediate impact. We are thrilled to welcome Fadhl to our growing team.”

Al-Bayaty has a master’s degree in software engineering from Concordia University. He was formerly with Matrox, serving in a progression of roles including applications engineer, product manager and business development manager.

In his leadership role, Al-Bayaty will head product strategy for the entire life cycle of every product in VuWall’s ecosystem, ensuring interoperability between all products as well as many third-party solutions. He will be responsible for maintaining the product vision and strengthening the VuWall product roadmap with innovative solutions that increase productivity and enhance visualization experiences in control rooms and corporate workspaces. Al-Bayaty will also play an important role in product marketing efforts, working in collaboration with the marketing team for product launches and educating the market on new technology and solutions.

“I have always been so impressed with VuWall’s innovative solutions and company culture,” said Al-Bayaty. “I am very excited to be joining such a talented and passionate team in a position that will allow me to take my career to the next level. I am grateful for this incredible opportunity, and I look forward to accelerating the company’s growth even further.”

Al-Bayaty is VuWall’s latest hire of many in the last 12 months, contributing to a 20% growth in staff, both in their Montreal and German office as well as in their U.S.-based sales office.

More information about the company and its products is available at www.VuWall.com.

Über VuWall

VuWall entwickelt Lösungen für die einfache Verwaltung visueller Informationen auf Videowänden und Displays in Kontrollräumen und anderen Einrichtungen. Das Unternehmen hat sich auf die Verwaltung von Videowänden und KVM in AV-over-IP-Umgebungen spezialisiert und bietet eine Reihe von hochmodernen Video-Encodern, Decodern, Prozessoren und Controllern, die alle von der TRx Centralized Management Platform verwaltet werden. Die preisgekrönten Lösungen von VuWall, die sich im Besitz von Naxicap befinden, versorgen mehr als 5.000 Videowände in einigen der weltweit renommiertesten Fortune-500-Unternehmen in mehr als 50 Ländern. Der Hauptsitz von VuWall befindet sich in Montreal, Kanada, mit einer Europazentrale in Reutlingen, Deutschland, und einer US-Niederlassung in Atlanta, Georgia.

Anna Kozel
Anna Kozel

Vizepräsidentin für Marketing
+1 514-505-4436

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